So you had a cheat meal..

So you had a cheat meal..

So you had a cheat meal.. so you overindulged... so you has that BIG weekend of eating...

Mazels! Was it delicious? Did you want it? Were you happy eating it? If you answered YES then good- you’re human! Yes you can balance healthy eating with some less healthy moments. Cheat Meal (or days) happen! Our mind sometimes overrules our bodies and we WANT something. It’s a choice. It’s 100% ok so now what?

I’m gonna skip the mental guilt or struggle in this post (will touch on it later this week).

But how do you recover? Here are a few things I do to move past that BIG ass worthy tasty meal!

  1. Hydrate! Refuel with water or green tea.

    Skip the coffee- it will only make you more de-hydrated from the booze and won’t help flush all that extra stuff out.

  2. Move! The day of your meal and the day after make sure you move your body big or small!

    Try and get at least 30 minutes in for a walk/jog/ something at least that makes you move.

  3. Plan your next day! Knowing what’s on the menu the next meal will help curb any ‘wants’ for that cheat meal again.

    It’s just ONE meal or moment. Toss the extra pizza slice or giveaway the left overs. Be mindful of what your next choice will be.

  4. Make it an occasion! My cheat meals are normally reserved for a date night or event so I know it’s just one moment (and less of an extended indulgent).

    We tried out Pizza Lila in Levinsky Market (in Tel Aviv) on Saturday. We made a double date with friends. I knew it was coming up and I planned ahead for my BIG meal. It’s more fun to splurge with a friend, partner, or special occasion.

  5. Have Dessert! You’re already having your fun food soooo go for it!

    I’m a sucker for homemade ooey gooey… and there is almost always something baking in my oven so why don’t just go all out and come home to that tasty treat. You know you want it!

  6. Intermittent Fasting: I wait 12-16 hours later to eat and allow my body to digest.

    There are a lot of rules or guidelines to IF but one easy tip is just to wait 12 hours to eat. You can have water of course but allow your body to digest before reloading. If you can go 16 hours even better but don’t worry if you wan’t this time. Here is a quick review on different styles of Intermittent Fasting (I stick with 16/8 Method).

  7. Probiotics: Helps break down all that food! I take two before bed plus one the next morning.

    Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your digestive system. I’ll go in a little deeper another time. BUT I get these Probiotics off IHERB (they ship to Israel).

  8. And Have Fun!!! Don’t worry if it’s a cheat meal, day, or weekend! As long as you’re having fun and are happy then it’s worth it! Life it about balance (or so I’m told) so let’s be happy with our food!

Thanks for Stopping By my ‘CHEAT MEAL’ Ted Talk <3